Bible Believing, Sabbath Keeping, Holy Ghost Filled

We believe that Christ is the head of the Church. Therefore, we exalt the Lord Jesus Christ to the highest in our worship, teaching, preaching, and ministry. He is the author of our salvation and the focus of our faith. Scripture says putting Him at the center of all we do pleases the Father and HE is the ONLY way to salvation.

Who We Are


We believe that Christ is the head of the Church. Therefore, we exalt the Lord Jesus Christ to the highest in our worship, teaching, preaching, and ministry. He is the author of our salvation and the focus of our faith. Scripture says putting Him at the center of all we do pleases the Father and HE is the ONLY way to salvation.


We believe the Kingdom of God extends beyond our denomination, that we are only a part of the body of Christ, and that we have a legitimate place within and responsibility to the rest of the Christian community.


We believe that being fully Christ-centered and worshipping on the Sabbath is not in conflict. God gave the Sabbath to man for rest, reflection, and worship. It is even more relevant in today’s world which is filled with stressed and tired people than in previous generations.


We believe that Bible-based teaching and preaching honor God and edify people, and that our ministry should reflect the highest commitment to the integrity of interpretation of biblical truth and its application.


We desire to be a Church with an increasing passion for experiencing the fullness of the Holy Spirit expressed in how we live and do ministry individually and corporately. 


We believe that baptism is an important step of obedience for all believers. “Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved”. Therefore, every Christian should be water baptized by immersion. Baptism demonstrates a believer’s identification with Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. (Mark 16:16; Matthew 28:18-20)


Midweek Bible Study

Join us Wednesdays, 7:30pm Hybrid (via Zoom and in-person)

Our Beliefs

Passionate in Worship

We believe that worship is a primary means by which we express our love for the Lord and that it should be a priority for the Church. Spiritual passion in worshipping the Lord agrees with the Scripture and demonstrates our deepening relationship with Him.

Compassionate in Service

We believe that genuine love for the Lord will be transformed into ministry to others. Reaching out to the world through compassionate service honors the Lord and points people to Him.

Aggressive in Witness

We believe that lost people matter to God, that the church has the mandate to evangelize, that each member has a role in that process, and that world conditions call us to be aggressive about winning the lost.  

Strong in Fellowship

We believe that a strong commitment to Christ calls us to a strong commitment to His church body. Building up the Body through fellowship, understanding, developing, and exercising our spiritual gifts are important aspects. 

Committed to Discipleship

We believe that the goal of faith is to be conformed to the image of Christ. This happens best through the process of mentoring and discipleship.  A healthy Church is the result of the healthy spiritual development of individual believers.